31 August 2009

New Stuff :)

So we are almost done going through everything we got at the wedding and it is nice to have new stuff. We got lots of things we really needed... and some stuff we didn't. We are now in the try to return everything we got more than one of or just don't need. It is a pain because lots of stuff we need to return doesn't have gift receipts so we will be lugging everything around to all the main stores like walmart and target in effort to find out were it came from and hope that it can be returned.

We registered for some poka-doted dishes that Karen loved and we ended getting some and we used them for the first time yesterday at a birthday dinner for one of our friends. For this dinner we made enchalad's and Karen used another gift to make cake. We got a Kitchen Aid.

Karen loves her new Kitchen Aid so much.

We are having lot of fun since getting married. Yet there has been so much to do. We are working on insurance and getting everything taken care of with Karen changing her name. We have had to start school and so now we have all are school work to do along with work so we are pretty busy right now and at times I feel like I have way too much to do. Things are starting to fall into a routine so that is good. :)

25 August 2009

It's about time!

I have been a slacker and not written anything in so long. I have been really busy with the wedding and work. Now that Karen and I are married and school started this last Monday things will hopefully get in to some sort of routine. I am working in the mornings and will be leaving the house at 6:00am so I can get to work. I am taking Heat Transfer, Probability & Statistics, Structural Analysis, Electronics, and Senior Design. It is 18 credits so it is going to be a tough semester. Also I am wanting to take the FE exam this October as well but i may wait 'til April. So school is busy.

Karen and I are trying to go through all of the gifts we got and decide what we want and what to return. We got through most of it last night. On Saturday we will be going around everywhere to return everything. That will be lots of fun...

Right now I am sitting in my electronics class waiting for class to start and all i can think is I wish I had studied harder and passed this class last year :( but it looks like it is going to be a typical engineering class and only have about 10-15 people. I am the only person retaking it and that makes me feel really stupid...