06 July 2009


So I have lots of books. And there are a lot of new books that I want. My birthday is coming up and Karen asked what books I wanted and gave her a list. Later we were talking about my books and I happened to tell her that that I hadn't read some of them. She then told me I couldn't get any new books until I had read all of the books I own. So I counted all of the books in the bookshelf in our living room and got 19 books. And then there are a bunch in our boxes that I haven't read yet also so I have lots of reading to do. I agree I should read the books that I already own but new books come out all the time which I always want to read. I am now reading some of them. I am starting the Cleric Quintet By R. A. Salvatore. Then I will be starting the Olympians series so that will get about 10 books finished. Do love reading and am happy to be reading. It gives me something to do while I am away from Karen during the week. So in a while if you know of any good books I may be needed some to read. :)