On Monday I had a bad day at work so I went to walmart because walmart always seems to have something that makes me happy. As I was there I was walking around and saw this new animated movie. Now I am addicted to movies and animated are the worst. Also I love dragons and everything to do with them. I own so many dragon books and and Karen is always making fun of me for it. But this movie was called Dragon Hunters so i just had to get it. Now Karen really made fun of me and just called me a nerd but what can I say I am addicted to all things dragon. I watched this movie and it was not the greatest but I still liked it.
I really may have a problem because right now I am reading a novel about dragons in an Asian like society. I also have a whole series on dragons that I have yet to start but I bought just because it was about dragon. I have more dragon books than any other type of books in my library. I don't know what it is about dragons that is appealing to me. I know that they are not real but I have always dreamed of having a pet dragon that could fly me around everywhere. I also don't usually like it when they make dragons a just a mindless beast or when dragons are all bad. I like to think of them as intelligent and having the ability to chose between good and evil.
I know I am a nerd, and yes Karen I am expecting you to tell me as much. maybe someday I'll grow out of my fascination with dragon but as for right now I am a dragon nerd but it makes me happy.